Friday, January 25, 2013

Work update

   In case anyone still reads this blog, I have a work update. Next week, I am starting a full time job. It sounds pretty decent and will be the best job I have ever had.

  I was hit with a thought: The job situation was a big point of my getting discouraged and giving up..... but here I am with a job, and other than having had to borrow money for Christmas, I haven't run out of money yet. I have a thousand dollar tax refund that should be arriving any day, so if the job works out for me, and it should, I will be OK. How like me to give up too soon. That realization isn't going to make me turn over a leaf immediately, but it has caused me to think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news! Look forward to hearing how the job works out, sounds awesome. Sure glad you didn't give up. Praying for you.