Monday, July 7, 2014

July stuff

It has been a while since I blogged on here, so I thought I should do a quick post in case anyone is watching my blog and wondering how things are going. Things are so-so. Depression has been pretty bad lately, and there are a few reasons it has gotten worse. I'm not sure what to do about it. I got tired of trying more and more expensive pills that didn't work the last time it was bad. It isn't as bad as it was before, as it isn't interfering as much with my reading and general living.

  One problem I have is worry. I worry a lot about the future. And I do mean a lot. It could be a lack of trusting God, but I do believe it is more of a lack of faith and trust in myself. I still don't believe I can support myself and make it through life, and it terrifies me to think about it. I hate living with my parents, but I am afraid to try it on my own, not that I am financially ready for that yet anyway.

  To add to everything, a freak storm came through my town a few weeks ago and did a lot of damage....... including a tree on the house and several appliances getting fried, so life has been hectic here.

   Temptation wise, things haven't been too bad. I have seen my share of shirtless guys and did look, but the temptation to hook up has been very low, and that is a big thing for me. Some days I feel like giving up, and feel I am failing God more than not, but I am still plugging along. Slowly, but plugging along.



Unknown said...

My life verse: Galatians 2:20
I know your pain...and your struggle.
But God is what keeps me going!
You and I are so undeserving of His love,...but for some reason, He keeps on pouring His mercy and love out onto us in bucket-loads!!!
So while He deems fit to keep on doing so, ....who would we be to reject it!?!?! Soak it up! Enjoy it all! Glory in the death of cross- and let the power of His resurrection be yours!!!!!!
Rootin' for ya brother!
Arm-in-arm, may we someday both walk into heaven together- knowing the struggles are behind and the final redemption of our fleshly bodies has been complete. .....then we will lay our crowns at HIS feet with rejoicing.
Luv ya.....and keep going forward!

Unknown said...

If you wouldn't mind, Facebook message me sometime...I would love to talk with you. It has been a long time since i have met an open personality with such positive put a skip in my step today.

Unknown said...

Hey, just wanted you to know something: stumbling upon your blog earlier this month was one of the most encouraging things. I had never actually met someone (with said difficulty) who did not somehow make excuses for their struggle. Rarely do you find someone who chooses to stick to the truth of God's Word despite the contradiction it poses to the flesh! Many (or shall I say MOST) of your average Christians would never understand how lonely such a struggle can be.
Well,...I may be a nobody with nothing to offer,... but I am a brother- and a friend....and I haven't forgotten about you. there were secret prayers said for me when I didn't know about it, and only God knows how much I needed them to keep me from a worse life or even suicide. YOU TOO have hidden brothers and sisters out here praying for you in your most trying hours- even when you don't know it!!!
I may never get to meet you or even talk with you,... But I'll always remember the day I found out about some strange young man who dared to take God at His Word: "He that cometh to God, He will in no wise cast out." Why? Because "...He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all ....(ALL).... unrighteousness" making us a new creature where "...old things are passed away, behold all...(ALL)...things are become new."
It doesn't matter who in your past has told you it will never change!!!!!!!!!!!...they haven't read the BOOK! Speak to your mountain!....your Father is bigger!

....your friend, David.