Sunday, May 16, 2010

The search for hope

It has been quite a while since I blogged on here. I can't even remember what I wrote, and I don't know if anyone has read what I wrote. Anyway, I have given up. Yep.

The last two years have been really hard. Moving back after a couple of years away, staying with family while I try to find a job that will let me get my own place again. Next month will mark two years back, and things have not improved.

Oh, I have a job now - finally - but only part time, and not enough to let me get my own place again.

My relationship with God has never been the best. I'm no expert, but getting picked on so much as a kid really screwed me up. I honestly felt no one liked me. That most likely influenced the spiritual, I don't know, but for whatever reason, I have never been able to completely believe God loves me. Oh, I'd try, and sometimes thought I believed it, but then something would happen, and that belief would puncture like a balloon.

Going along with that issue, I have never loved God. I hear people testify in church about how much they love Him, sang songs about loving Him - but I never have. So why have I tried to serve this God who I don't love, and never could quite believe loves me? Good question.

Looking back, I remember going to the altar many times during camp meetings and revivals - usually because of major conviction and/or scary stories told by preachers - stories about people who stood through such altar calls and did not go, only to be hurled out into eternity that very night or close after.

Also, my parents played a big part. They always wanted us kids to be Christians, and for years, my mom would ask me how I was doing spiritually - I'd always tell her good even if I was not trying to serve God - I didn't want lectures or more guilt/scare tactics - would I have gotten them? Most likely out of love, but still guilt and scare tactics.

I have to wonder if I ever served God out of anything more than a fear of going to hell and to make my parents happy. Well, I have had the desire to do what is right, so that has played into it, but is that enough? Have my efforts to be a Christian been doomed from the start because of my motives?

Unless you have been there, no one can truly understand the homosexual struggle - it has to be one of the worst struggles to have. I didn't ask for it, didn't "choose" it, even though there are deluded people would claim so - but I did give into it. Would my struggles be less intense had I never had that first sexual experience with another guy? Maybe, maybe not. I've had correspondance with several men who never have, and their struggle sounded as intense as mine.

Regardless, so many times in the last 20 years since I took that step, life has been a vicious cycle. Days, weeks, and sometimes months - of having as many sexual experiences as I could have, along with indulging in pornography - only to bow under the guilt and fear to ask forgiveness and try to stay on the "straight and narrow", only to crash after a few days, weeks, or months. It is possible that I wouldn't fall so easily if I loved God instead of fearing He would take my life while I strayed?

Some would say I have never been saved in the first place - but if all we have to do is ask forgiveness for sins, acknowledge we are a sinner, and believe - how could I not be? It doesn't say we have to believe He loves us - or is that part of it, and I have only fooled myself all these years? Could it be I was only trying to reform myself - putting a bandaid on it, so that is why I fell so easily?

At this point, life seems hopeless. I feel I have failed - as a man, as a Christian. I am so lonely, and long for love and a family of my own. I've gone back to the one night stands, and a big part of me wants to even find another guy who would love me and try for a gay relationship. It isn't all about sex - I just want someone to love me, do things with me, hold me - it may be a lack of faith, but that can never happen with a woman. And it can't with a man either - I'd never do that to my family, as badly as I want it.

I look at where I have come from, and look at the future, and it all looks so empty, hopeless, and lonely, no matter which way I look. I wish I could end it all, but the same things that have led me to try to serve God keep me from it - I firmly believe I'd drop straigh into hell - so anything here is better - and I'd never do that to my family. So I die inside a bit more every day wishing there was more. That I could be happy, complete, whole - and not lonely.

Church has failed me. I don't know what changed, me or church, but since I moved back, I feel disconnected from church, from my pastor. He has chatted with me a few times, but though he tried hard before to help me with my sexual and spiritual struggles, he hasn't dipped into it much, and it has been 5 months since he has asked how I am doing. It seems sad that I could be so discouraged, and in fact give up, and no one knows. Maybe they don't care.

I wish that the people were right who claim that God is ok with gay - but they aren't. I know the Bible too well, and I don't think the Bible could be much clearer on that - yet it doesn't seem fair. I didn't ask to be gay. I didn't want to be - I still don't want to be. I believe a combination of things caused me to have these feelings - so is it fair that I live a lonely and celibate life because life beat me up?

This might sound crass, but if God were truly the merciful God He claims to be, He would allow us all a look at what our life would be like before we were born, and offer us the choice to be born or not - that would be merciful. I know what I'd have picked - no thank you.

Serving God shouldn't be so hard. Life shouldn't be so hard. Oh, I've heard all the songs and Christian talk - Heaven will be worth it all, we aren't living for this life, etc - so if things can't be hunky dory down here, and we are living for Heaven, then why doesn't He just take us there when we decide life here isn't what we want?

As I end this post, if you are reading this - I am not going to kill myself - let me be clear. Wishing we could do something doesn't mean we will - there are people who have hurt me that I wish I could hurt badly, but never will - for I wouldn't like the consequences - same with harming myself. I loathe myself, but I'm stuck here until God decides I'm done - I just hope when He chooses to do that, that I am somehow ready to die, so I go to the right place.


Anonymous said...

Man, I hear the frustration in what you say. First of all, God loves you so much, I know that for sure. Your post may seem like you are in a deep hole, wondering, but as I read it I see how you refer to asking forgiveness for sins, that is one indication that you know He forgives and that includes His love for you.

You feel alone and I feel that way often too. I feel sorry that the pastor has not asked how you are doing, I too experienced that and wished he would have realized how important it was. Just a thought, but I think they don't realize how deep it affects us and that just one prayer does not make it go away. I hope you can find someone to share with, you need that I can see.

I don't have all the answers but just know that you are God's child, no matter how you "feel". One day as a result of a Bible study I was urged to go out for a walk by myself and to look up into the sky and say the words, "God my Father, I love you." At first I couldn't do it, something made me scared, maybe cause I had never said it before, but finally I was able to and it made a difference. Just a thought but maybe you should do the same. Also tell Him how you feel, in honesty, right at that moment.

Sure will be praying that you feel better soon. Take good care of yourself, be kind to the person that you are. You are loved.

Grace Lyn Smith said...

God loves us all, no matter what. He loves the sinner, but hates the sin. My church accepts all people. I am the ex-girlfriend of a bi-sexual 34 years after-the-fact, I am still damaged and have remained single all these years. I too long to just be held. Recently, several new songs have blessed me and I feel I am truly being held in the arms of Jesus, to the point that if God were to bring the right person along, I am open to marriage. May God bless you!

cornellcrawford said...

Part One:
I read your blog, and wanted to comment on a few things. Please understand that what I say is out of concern and sincerity, and while it may be harsh, is no way laced with animosity or ridicule. I am a gay man who has struggled with organized religion since I realized I, too, was condemned by it. However, I have embraced a loving God who is greater than what mankind (namely, straight and self-loathing gay men) has decided that God to be.

I'm really puzzled as to why you would still cling to a dogma that clearly condemns you; if you really believe in a loving Creator, an omnipotent Being, then you must realize that this God is greater than what man has decided God to be. You cannot box God into a neat and well-defined personality, because it is an insult and quite arrogant to claim we are intelligent enough to really know Someone who created the universe. That, I believe, is the first step in recognizing or "fearing" the Lord.

cornellcrawford said...

Part Two:
I would encourage you to look beyond what you know or have already learned about Biblical interpretation. You claim that you "know the Bible too well." That, my brother, is a really arrogant statement. To accept Scripture as inerrant without applying any investment of critical thinking insults any God who created life with any ounce of intelligence. God expects us to use our minds, and not to follow blindly, just because of the threat of "hell." Actually, I would argue that you are already in hell, as you are clearly quite miserable. Men and women spend their lives in rigorous academic study, pondering the nature of Scripture, its historical context, its cultural context, its poetry, its symbolism, and yes, its errors. You cannot study the Old and New testaments without proper references, mainly historical and cultural contexts to compare and delve into the nature and meaning of the texts. We're separated by thousands of years from the New Testament, and even longer from the Old Testament. Cultural norms from these ancient times no longer exists. Surely, you can't say that in today's society it's permissible to stone your children for disobedience or to condone slavery, as these practices were in the Old testament? If you can't and recognize these passages as no longer relevant to society, then why would you also cling to a scripture that seemingly condemns homosexuality?

cornellcrawford said...

Part four:
This cannot happen overnight, but it can happen by taking small steps. Read, and most importantly, discuss. Find a church that is fully inclusive (gay accepting). Talk with ministers who have received their education from accredited, reputable institutions, not "Bible Colleges." Those places are the fast food of academia. Cheap and malnutritious. Talk with gay priests (my partner is a priest!). Talk with other men and women who are struggling, yet don't poison themselves with self-hatred. There is nothing sinful about positive thinking--surround yourself with people who think positively and love you for who you are--completely for who you are! See a therapist. I'm not sure how old you are, but don't waste any more of your life hating God and hating yourself. There is hope and forgiveness and love. Remember, you must be like a child to enter the kingdom--open, trusting, loving, curious, questioning, and most important--possess the instinct that when you fall down, you get back up.

I would love to hear your thoughts about this. It's a dialogue that isn't satisfied in one long post. Please feel free to email me. I wish you the very, very best. And, knowing your honest and painful struggle, I wish you were nearby, so we could be friends.

Best regards,

cornellcrawford said...

Part three:
Part three:
Please, please consult exegeses that refute a fundamental application of Scripture. You will find there are very intelligent, God-fearing, open-minded, and critical essays that go beyond the surface of these passages in Leviticus and Romans to debate what the writers really meant. Historically, you will find that fundamentalism festers in an environment in which the society is largely uneducated, or is under the pressure of fear to keep control. Look beyond conservative, fundamental "experts;" most likely, if they have any sort of academic background, it is from a conservative institution that only reinforces itself with fundamental instructors.

Take the example of Jesus, himself. He challenged the fundamental nature of both the Pharisees and Sadduccees. He subverted the system--he didn't play by the "rules." He said "the Kingdom of God is within you." He came to free us from the Law. Part of that Law was a misunderstanding and shunning of homosexuality. Though it was obviously extant, the larger society could not understand it. Today, the American Psychological Association states it is not a disease, that it is natural (though it is in the minority), and cannot be changed. Just because homosexuality is not the majority doesn't automatically mean it's wrong. It's found in mammals as well. It's part of nature. I know, you may argue that that nature is wrong, but quite honestly, who are you to say it is? Do you have the qualifications in psychology or theology to assert such a claim, or is this just "something you know" based on years of exposure to an interpretation that is based on ignorance, judgment, and fear? Are you going to live the rest of your life miserable and bound and interpretation of scripture that makes you a second-class citizen?

Carl said...


John/CornellCrawford really hit the nail on the head.

I'd suggest that Struggler seek out counseling from a reputable, licensed counselor, not necessarily a "Christian Counselor," but one that is open to affirmatively dealing with gay people and spirituality.

Other than dealing with his sexual orientation I thing Struggler has other issues to deal with as well.

Also, I can't emphasize how important it is to find a church that will deal with you in an affirming manner as a gay person.

Struggler, you have my prayers. For what it's worth I was married to a woman, came out of the closet, divorced, and eventually found my husband. We've been married almost five years now and life is good. It can be for you too.


Alexei Koslov said...

Commenting this almost seven years later. You must have changed a lot, I certainly have. Some of what I will comment may not apply at all, if only for the long time that has elapsed.

I get it. I have often felt the same way.

First of all, I love the way you write and express yourself. You have a talent for writing, I really think you should invest in it.

You mentioned you do not know if your struggles would have been less had you not engaged in homosexual practices, that is, if you had only left it as temptations, or masturbation or fantasies without anyone else involved. I strongly think it really would have been easier for you now. I do not comment this to condemn you or to make your burden heavier than it already is. Just noticing a fact. Why do I say it? First of all, sin has consequences. When one engages in sin, whatever, it gets stronger. That first encounter was a watershed. It was a line you crossed that cannot be uncrossed. I do not mean that you cannot change. I believe you have, but the memories, the experience, the feelings of pleasure will always be there in your memory. Secondly, I speak from experience. I was never heavily involved in homosexual practices. I had, as far as I can remember, two experiences where I actually touched another guy to the point of orgasm, though no penetration or more intimate acts. Regardless, after that first act, resisting temptation was all the more difficult.

This is important to note. You can teach that to other struggling Christians who have not yet given in to a physical act. I rarely have talked about these things with other guys, maybe once - as I have kept these matters mostly to myself. But if I did, or if I ever do, I will mention this.

One more comment - there is no way one can know "how things would have turned out if". Human beings do not have that ability. Don't waste time wondering if you would have chosen to be created if you knew... Well, for starters, God did not give that choice, and He is sovereign and He makes no mistakes. Moreover, it is a contradiction. If you were not yet in existence, how could you possibly be offered choices?

Please do not read this as mean. I believe you know me well enough to realize I love you in Christ.