Sunday, July 3, 2016

Fighting against the cure

    Imagine there are people all around you with a deadly disease that will kill them. You yourself had that disease , but found the one cure for it. The regimen to be cured wasn't easy, and at times you felt like calling it quits and just letting the disease take over your body until you did die.....but you kept at it, did everything the doctors told you, and now you are cured from the disease.

  You are excited about the cure and try to tell others about it, but many of them don't want to hear it or even admit they are sick. They call you hateful and bigoted for daring to say they are sick. Even worse, people that aren't sick attack you for daring to offer a cure to those who are sick and also call you hateful and bigoted. The sick are all around you, but people try to shut down anyone who dares point out the dangers of the disease and that there is indeed a cure.

  Sound absurd? Of course it does, but replace sickness in my little "parable" with homosexuality, and that scenario is exactly what is happening.

  I have read all of the arguments, and believe 100% that the Bible does indeed call homosexuality a sin and says that those who engage in it will go to hell... along with liars, murderers, thieves, and any other sins.

  And yet it is becoming increasingly popular for Christians to bypass, ignore, twist, or "re-interpret" those verses to make homosexuality not a sin.

  These same Christians would offer hope of change to a drug addict, alcoholic, porn addict (maybe, it is possible they are OK with porn also), or any other sin.... but when it comes to this one sin, they don't believe the person has any need to repent and should continue in that life and claim to be a Christian. They refuse to admit  there is a cure for homosexuality, and refuse to offer hope to them that God can truly change them and they can be set free from homosexuality.

  Is that really love? How could any intelligent, compassionate, and true Christian ignore the facts? How could they know what goes on with the majority of gay people, and deny that it is bondage, sinful, and people are truly not free living that life? How can they hate those who offer hope of freedom from that?

   I know a lot about this issue. I have read a lot, seen a lot, experienced a lot, talked to a lot of guys in that lifestyle and who have left it. I don't claim to be an expert at much, but I would wager I have more insight and more inside information on what it is really like to have same-sex attractions, and what it is like to act out on them than the non-gay people arguing for homosexuality/

  And I believe without a shadow of a doubt that it is wrong, that it is dangerous to the health and emotions, and no one can ever be at peace and find happiness and satisfaction engaging in it. Homosexuality is just like any other sin: it is bondage, not freedom. I have posted about the dangers of homosexuality before, but let me re-cap a few points:

1) Gay people - especially men - are much more promiscuous than heterosexual men. Monogamy is rare, and almost impossible.... and likely impossible.

2) Gay men are at a much higher risk of HIV, AIDS, and other STDs.

3) Gay men typically have a shorter average life span than heterosexual males.

4) Gay men have more emotional and mental issues than heterosexual men.

    The gay lifestyle is so shallow. Looks are everything, and there is an idolization of the male body even more than in heterosexual circles. Young boys that are legal - and often times not legal - are like raw meat in front of dogs when they walk into a gay bar or some other venue where gay men are at. They get used and tossed aside even more often and at a faster rate than young girls do.... and yet our Christian pro-gay friends would encourage young boys (and girls) to embrace their sexuality and live the gay life. Is that really love?

  Freedom is possible for those with same-sex attractions. No, it isn't easy, but being a Christian isn't supposed to be easy. Kicking alcoholism, drug addiction, porn addiction, and other habitual sins is not easy.... but we don't urge those people to just go with their sin/habit.....yet we do so with gay people. We have picked this one sin to say it isn't a sin and refuse to offer the hope of freedom from it to those mired in it.

  True happiness and satisfaction is only found in repenting of and forsaking your sin, and following Jesus wholeheartedly. Homosexuality does not get a special pass, and must be laid aside to follow Jesus along with any other sin.

  I am thankful for those who walked this road before me and are out there telling their stories. These who have walked away from homosexuality and show that true freedom IS possible in Jesus.

 If Christians truly love gay people, they will offer them that same hope - that Jesus can deliver them from homosexuality and they don't have to stay in that sin. That is what loving gay people truly looks like - offering the cure, not denying there is one or any need for one.

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