Monday, July 5, 2010

My reply to John (cornellcrawford) part 1

In my last post back in May, I had some comments from a gentleman named John, user name, cornellcrawford. He disagrees with me, but was very kind in his remarks, so hopefully I can be as kind in my reply. He said I could email him, but cannot find a way to do so, so I will do so here and hope he reads it. I will do so in 4 parts, as his comments were. First will be his comment, then my reply:

cornellcrawford said...
Part One:
I read your blog, and wanted to comment on a few things. Please understand that what I say is out of concern and sincerity, and while it may be harsh, is no way laced with animosity or ridicule. I am a gay man who has struggled with organized religion since I realized I, too, was condemned by it. However, I have embraced a loving God who is greater than what mankind (namely, straight and self-loathing gay men) has decided that God to be.

I'm really puzzled as to why you would still cling to a dogma that clearly condemns you; if you really believe in a loving Creator, an omnipotent Being, then you must realize that this God is greater than what man has decided God to be. You cannot box God into a neat and well-defined personality, because it is an insult and quite arrogant to claim we are intelligent enough to really know Someone who created the universe. That, I believe, is the first step in recognizing or "fearing" the Lord.

My reply:

I agree with you on some of what you say. Indeed, God cannot be put into a neat little box, and too many people, myself included, are guilty of trying to do so - but that has nothing to do with homosexuality.

As for "clinging to a dogma that clearly condemns me" - I want to make it to Heaven, and to do so, I must obey God, and yes, I may be condemned by what is in the Bible, but I must live above my sin.

As to the other, I will get to it later, but I do believe the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, and that has nothing to do with organized religion. What the Bible says is true, no matter what organized religion says.

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