Monday, July 12, 2010

Gays in the military

This is a hot topic, and one I have wanted to adress on my regular blog, but since I wanted to come at it from the view of someone who struggles with homosexuality, I couldn't very well do that on the blog where everyone knows who I am, so here I am doing it anonymously.

So, as someone who has not only struggled with homosexuality, but also lived the lifestyle for several years - not openly, but privately - what do I think of lifting the ban on "don't ask, don't tell"? Bad idea - very bad. Let me expound on that.....

If you are reading this and have common sense and morals, do you think it is a good idea for men and women to reside together in a barracks, close quarters, shower together - all that? Of course it isn't - so why put men attracted to men and women attracted to women in the same barracks and have them showering together.

If you are male, do you really want to be ogled by another man while you shower? A man who finds you attractive? And the same if you are a woman?

Let me be blunt here: as a guy who struggles with homosexuality and has had numerous sexual encounters...... shirtless guys who are in good shape are as much of a turn on and I have as much desire to look at them as a straight guy with an attractive barely dressed young lady. Or a naked one. If you are straight, could you honestly shower with an attractive/hot member of the opposite sex and not be affected by it? Not look, or want to look? Not become aroused by showering with a member of the opposite sex?

But you say, it isn't the same. Oh yes it is. If I had to daily shower with "hot studly" guys, I'd have major issues. If I were "out and proud", what inhibitions would I have? Not many.

Moving on, being a little more blunt - there are a lot of gay men who find men in a uniform hot and all the more desirable. There are tons of gay porn flicks made involving guys in military dress. I can see gay guys going into the military just to be around men in uniform.

Lawsuits. If they end the DADT, there will be inappropriate behavior and comments - and lawsuits will happen. Actual sexual harrassment and perceived.

Why do we want to open this door that will cause so much trouble? Politics. Unfortunately, Obama and too many in Congress don't care about the results of this action - they want votes and they want to make the people happy who put them in office.

I was reading a news story this morning where it is knocking the decision to let the military do a poll on this subject - why? Shouldn't the ones who will be directly affected by this action be allowed to have a voice? I think their opinion should matter most and be heard the most. Story here:;_ylt=AnKaI7_o4yWS5vWyeWH3xvYDwLAF;_ylu=X3oDMTM1NXFuZzgyBGFzc2V0A3RpbWUvMjAxMDA3MTIvMDg1OTkyMDAzMDc1MDAEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwM1BHBvcwM1BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDZ2F5c2ludGhlbWls

Guys are more sexual than women, wanting it more often, etc - and when you have gay guys openly living with other guys who are openly gay, sex is going to happen - that is against the law in the military - there are so many ways this is a bad idea that I am sure I have touched the tip of the iceberg, but these were some of my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

As I read your post I see where you were so happy and more fulfilled when you had moved away from home. Then when you moved back home things that you had built into your life started to fall apart again. It is okay to feel a sense of duty to family but you also have to take care of yourself and do what you have to do to get healthy. I am cheering and praying for you that in the coming days you will know which direction to go. It is easy to be discouraged and be tempted to give up and even question God but please don't, you, my friend are loved and God will never give up on you.

Alexei Koslov said...

I agree totally. Unfortunately, we are in a world where refraining from sin is considered madness.

The issue of gays in the armed forces is worse for men, as we are typically more (not exclusively, but more) excited by sight, while women (gay or straight) more by the emotional setup.