Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Modesty........ it isn't just for girls

I am a big advocate in modesty. Men especially have enough trouble with sexual temptations than having to deal with immodest dress, and the guys who let their wives and daughters dress so immodestly, knowing how guys are wired, are complete nuts.

I few friends on Facebook shared a great article by a mother with young boys. In it, she took teenage girls to task for posting pictures of themselves in immodest attire and/or seductive poses on Facebook for her boys to see, and emphasized how they are trying to raise their boys right and don't want them to see stuff like that on Facebook. Great article. Read it:

However, in the same article, the one where she talks about girls dressing immodestly, she posted a picture of her boys in swim trunks and her daughter in a bathing suit, and another pic of one of her sons in swim trunks. I am not the only one who found that weird, absurd, ironic, even hypocrital.

I follow country singer Jimmy Wayne on Facebook. He is a Christian and a great guy. He posted the link and several people commented about the shirtless boys. He replied that boys in swim trunks was nothing like girls in a bra or towel....... Really? He is a nice looking guy, and doesn't he realize if he ever goes shirtless, that there are both women and men lusting after him because he is shirtless?

Its no secret on here that I am gay, and I will be blunt: Shirtless guys that are nice looking and in good shape are a major turn on for me. I don't have to see a fully naked man to lust or be turned on. he just has to be shirtless. That is why summer is so hard for me when I am trying to live right and serve God..... I see shirtless guys everywhere, and its really hard not to look and lust. Guys are very stimulated visually, and so a gay guy/guy that struggles with SSA, is going to be visually stimulated/tempted by shirtless guys...... so for this mother to post shirtless pictures of her boys in the same blog post where she is taking girls to task for dressing immodestly...... it just seems bizarre.

Oddly enough, she got so many comments about her pictures, that she reposted the blog with a note "where everyone is covered up", but has left the original up.

She has a great point about girls being modest and being careful about what kind of pictures they post, but the same should hold true for boys/men. She has missed the boat on that side.

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