**After I typed this up, a woman on a Facebook group page I am on claimed that I was not delivered from homosexuality.... so this is not in reply to her, but something I wrote before she said that.
What does freedom look like? I spent many years hooking up with other guys for sex, chatting in gay chat-rooms, spending time on gay hookup sites and apps, hours spent viewing pornography, and hours spent thinking about sex with guys and pursuing sex with guys......and a lot of money wasted on the pursuit of sex and pleasure.
Then in December of 2013, I had the long awaited breakthrough. I am sure there were other contributing factors, but after a lifetime of not believing God loved me - or even liked me - I finally came face to face with the reality and belief that He does indeed love me more than I could ever imagine or grasp. It made an immediate difference in my life. I went from trying to serve God and do right so I could escape hell, to wanting to serve God because He loves me.
Almost overnight, my desires and attractions started to abate. The constant temptation and desire to hook up started going away, until it is so rare and slight, it is barely a ripple. Porn is still a battle, but it is losing the hold it held on me for so long. I am still attracted to other guys and struggle not to compare myself with them, but the constant war going on inside of me is gone. I may always be attracted to men and have the wish and desire for someone to love, but God has broken the hold it had on me and shattered the chains that held me tightly all of those years. My sexuality no longer rules and controls me.
There are many who would scoff at the idea of me being free from homosexuality. The fact that I am still attracted to other men would be proof to them that I am not free. Sadly many Christians would agree with that sentiment.
But what does true freedom look like? Is it freedom to have all attractions and desires for other men wiped completely away and be turned into a heterosexual? I would simply be trading sexuality to be tempted by. I would then battle lusting after women instead of men.
Could freedom possibly be the breaking of a hold sin has on a person, and grace to say no to the temptations and desires?
The alcoholic saved from alcoholism will most likely be tempted many times in his life to drink.
The drug addict saved from his addiction will face temptations and desires to do the drugs he did for so long.
The porn addict saved from pornography will still be tempted many times to go back to porn.
The gay man saved from homosexuality will likely always be attracted to other guys and may or may not be able to marry a woman and make it work... but will still be attracted to and desire other guys.
The gambler may be saved from his addiction, but will often be tempted to do it again.
So are these people free, or not free?
My best friend's father came up with an interesting theory that may or may not hold water. He pointed out how some people are instantly delivered from sinful habits to never have the desire and temptation for them again, and yet others battle the temptation and desires for the rest of their life. What if the former are people God knows can't handle the battle and temptations of their former habit/life, while the latter He knows will be strengthened by the struggle and desires?
It is an interesting theory. And I do believe I have been made stronger by still having these temptations and struggles and not giving in to them.
And I have come to believe that true freedom is God making a person strong enough and giving enough grace that they can say no to the temptations and desires instead of giving in. Is it any less a miracle or deliverance for God to break the hold a sin has on a person and make them strong enough to withstand the temptation, than it would be for Him to remove all temptation and desire for it? Is it possible that the greater miracle and freedom comes when a person still has the desires and temptations but is able to serve God and not give in because of God's grace and strength He provides?
The Bible says we will be tempted. Being a Christian doesn't mean an absence of temptation, but a guarantee that we will be tempted. And the devil is not going to tempt us in areas that aren't an issue with us, but in the areas where it is an issue and something we struggle with. That is life for a Christian. But we serve a God who is able to help us say no to any temptation or desire, even ones that ruled our lives for years.
True freedom is not the absence of temptation or desire for a sin, but is the breaking of the hold it has on a person and the grace to not give into those temptations and desires. So yes, I am free indeed.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
My story
Early childhood
I was raised for part of my life in an un-Christian home. My parents had served God and walked away from Him before I was born. My Christian grandmother on my dad's side convinced them to enroll myself and my sisters in a Christian school, so I did have that influence. We attended Sunday School couple of times a month, but never stayed for the worship service... my dad was afraid he'd feel convicted if he heard a sermon.
I felt unloved by my father. When I was around the age of 8, my mom told me he felt I was too old to hug and kiss. He never hugged me since, other than a quick hug after my high school graduation.... I can't even remember any positive touches from him over the years. I felt he disapproved of me, something reinforced by some of the comments he made over the years.
When I was 12, a couple of things happened in our lives that woke my parents up - losing everything we owned and a death in the family within 9 day - and they came back to God and the church. I was saved shortly after, though I am not sure I understood it at that point.
Junior high - high school
Even though I attended a Christian school, most of the kids in junior high and high school were not Christians and I was picked on and bullied a lot - more than most people know. I wasn't good at sports, nor was I interested in them. No one wanted me on their team, and I was required to play whatever sport was played for gym class. I had no male friends, and my male cousins ignored me or picked on me also at times. Girls were safe, and I hung out with them a lot.
There was a time one year in junior high when the other boys got me doing some stuff bordering on sexual, and there was actually some sexual contact. Eventually, an older student pulled me aside and said I needed to stop, or he would tell my parents, so I stopped.
I discovered masturbation on my own around age 13. I soon needed something to get off to, and started using the trashy romance novels that had rather graphic sex scenes in them. I always found myself focusing more on the man in the sex scenes and the front of the book, and ran onto a few books where there were actually sex scenes between guys. Coupled that with my liking to look at shirtless guys and my viewing boys as totally different from me, it should have been a clue to me what was going on..... but I didn't get it.
Bible college
I graduated, a very insecure and shy kid who didn't think anyone liked or loved me.... including God. I started attending Bible college where I was again picked on to some extent, but not as bad nor with the intent to be mean, that I know of.
I started dating because it was the thing to do, and it never went anywhere. Being on a Bible college campus where the dating rules were very strict and physical contact prohibited. That relationship was short, and 2 years later I tried again. While dating that girl, it finally hit me what was going on... I was gay. (I was very naive and barely knew what homosexuality was while growing up).I broke up with the girl I was dating after a few months and called it quits for dating,
I was convinced I was going to hell for these feelings, and it was a few years til I realized the Bible condemns the sexual acts, not the feelings.
My first sexual experience
Three months after breaking off my dating relationship, I was in a bookstore near my home and ran across some porn magazines in a back row. To my amazement, they had gay porn - I honestly had no clue such a thing existed. With a face that was probably red as could be, I purchased a couple and exited the store. I was immediately approached by a man who saw me buy them and asked if I wanted oral sex. I went with him and had my first sexual experience ever - with another guy at that - and immediately wanted more.
The cycle
This started years of porn addiction and sexual hookups. I would repent over and over, only to go back to the sex and porn. I eventually lost track of how many guys I had been with, but a ballpark figure would shock most people. The whole time, I attended church and acted the part of a Christian who had it all together. There were guys who wanted more than a hookup and wanted to have a relationship, but I knew it wouldn't last, that I would eventually have to break it off to serve God, so I never went for it. Besides, it would have been harder to cover up than my secret sexual life of sexual encounters.
Over the years, I started confiding in people until it became easy to tell people what I struggled with, which resulted in my "coming out" on my public blog this year.
And then in December of 2013, I had a break through. I had read books about how to get free, read stories of others who had, and heard testimonies and despaired of ever getting free. But that month, I finally came to the belief and realization that God did indeed love me. I had always tried to serve Him out of fear and the desire to do right, but this knowledge that He loved me changed me completely. Almost overnight, the temptations to hook up started going away. I deleted all of my hook-up apps and profiles on gay dating and hook-up sites. I did hook up a couple of times after that, but eventually the temptation and desire to do so went away and rarely surfaces. When it does, it is very slight and hardly a problem. I can't remember the last time I gave in, but it has to be over two years now...... and that is a miracle.
The attractions for other guys haven't left, nor the temptation to lust and view porn, but God has helped me a lot in these areas. Some may not consider it true freedom, but God has broken the chains that held me bound for so many years and set me free from being controlled by my sexual desires. Being in contact with ministries for people with unwanted sexual attractions and other people who are desiring to be free from homosexuality has also helped and encouraged me.
I may never be attracted to women, and I am OK with that. My goal should not be heterosexuality, but being like Jesus. As Christopher Yuan, a man saved from the gay lifestyle and drugs put it: the opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality, but holiness. God asks no more of me or anyone else who is gay/same-sex attracted: Take up your cross, deny yourself - yes, even your gay identity - and follow Him.
Monday, June 27, 2016
The gay cross
I have come to view my struggles with homosexuality as a cross. Now when Jesus said to take up your cross, I am sure most people don't think of that cross as something like homosexuality, but I believe the cross we bear isn't always just scorn or persecution because we are a Christian, which let's face it, not many of us go through much persecution here in America.
Is it a stretch to think of homosexuality as a cross? I don't believe so. We as humans are like a river. We tend to take the path of least resistance. Most of my life, I did just that. Oh, I tried occasionally to come back to God when the guilt and misery got to me, but for most of my adult years I didn't carry this cross.
Thankfully, in the last few years I have come to fully believe God does indeed love me and have come to know Him as I never have before. And I finally did what Jesus commanded of all of us: I took up my cross to truly follow Him.
What does it even mean to carry a cross? Obviously it isn't a physical wooden cross like Jesus carried, but Jesus had to mean what He said. Being a Christian isn't supposed to be easy. Oh, it isn't a drudgery, but it isn't going to be hunky dory 24/7 365 days a year having the world loving us if we truly live for God.
So for me, denying myself and taking up a cross means denying what comes so naturally - being attracted to other guys and giving into those attractions and desires - and instead following God and finding my identity in Him, not my sexuality. It isn't easy. I'd like someone to love, I got too used to sexual release, of being with another man getting off sexually. There are still Christians who look at guys like me in disgust. There are others who think I am nuts for denying my sexuality and living a celibate life. The openly gay crowd hates guys like me for even daring to suggest that someone may not want to be gay, that change is possible or necessary, and that homosexuality is indeed a sin and wrong in God's eyes.
It all adds up to a pretty heavy cross to carry.
I don't think heterosexual people get it. For we who deal with the feelings of same-sex attraction, it is just as much a part of us as attraction for an attractive woman is for a heterosexual male. Just as a heterosexual guy often has a battle to fight in his mind when an attractive woman walks by him, so the same battle is fought in the mind of a man who is struggling with homosexual desires and attractions. There is a difference though. The heterosexual male can marry and have a relationship blessed by God. The one dealing with same-sex attraction never can......if he is truly living for God. It doesn't matter what state or elected official says it is OK, it will never be blessed by God, will never not be a sin.
All too many men and boys who are in the church, and are dealing with this issue do so silently. They fear what their family, friends, fellow church goers, would say if they knew. They fear they will be ostracized, put on the same level as a child molester. No one would want to be their friend. So day after day, month after month, year after year, they serve God, all the while, trying to deal with these feelings they have. Feelings they know are wrong, but feelings and desires they never asked for. They sit in the church pew week after week wishing they could tell someone, but afraid to do so.
And they aren't wrong. Many in the church would look down on them, brand them a child molester. After all, these are the same people who say we "choose" to be this way. We "choose" to have these desires. Are they nuts?! If they could feel the way we feel, see what it is like to have a war raging in our hearts and minds - to be tugged in what feels so natural, yet so wrong. I read a quote once by a homosexual person - they asked why would anyone want to feel this way? How true.
Other Christians can call people to pray for them if they are having problems. People will go to the altar, and get up and admit they have problems in this area, or that, and people nod in understanding, and admire them for admitting they are having struggles. I came to a point that I quit going to the altar. Too many preachers would harp on the fact that you should pray out loud, confess to your sins, not "hang over the altar, put your head on your arms and pray silently". There was no way I was going to do that. The church gossips would have a field day! So when I felt I needed to pray, I would wait out the altar call and pray at home, where no one would hear my sins and judge me as a horrible sinner. I figured it was best to keep hiding in the shadows and keep my mask in place.
A lot of people now know. I have men who call themselves my friend, who know, but they never ask me how I am doing. Never ask if there is something they can do to help me. I have had 2 pastors try to help me, and they were a help, but I never knew of them to read up on how to help, yet they admitted they weren't sure how to handle it. Were my problem marriage-related, alcohol, cigarettes, and "normal" sins and issues, they would have no problem talking to me and checking up on me. And I know some churches do better than others, but that isn't the norm.
Then there are the comments. Even Christians can say thoughtless and cruel things. Homosexuality seems to be a fun thing to make comments about. I have had to stand and listen to all kinds of remarks, and act normal. I will never forget the time someone was speaking, and made a statement about homosexuality. A guy who was my friend, someone I had hung out with before he married, leaned up and said "they should just round all of those people up and hang them". I was crushed and hurt, and he had no clue he had just shredded my heart.
More recently, I sat through a Sunday School class where same sex marriage was being discussed. I sat there fighting tears and the desire to walk out, as I heard references to those perverts, that they wouldn't want those kind of people around their kids, that those perverts are no different than rapists and child molesters. As I sat there, I am sure those people had no idea they were causing one of their own so much pain and hurt.
Since I first published this post almost 7 years ago, the subject has come up a few other times in my Sunday School class, and with much better results. There were no negative or hateful comments, but it was discussed in a loving and intelligent way. It may help that the ones who were so hateful the first time do not come back to my class anymore, and there were several people in attendance who know I struggle with SSA.....
I have also finally "outted" myself. I have another blog where like the show Cheers, "everyone knows my name" and who I am...... and I have done several posts now where I admit what I deal with. I don't get too detailed about my past or sexual activities, as people don't need to know all of that.
And those who come out as Christians who struggle with this issue get it from both sides. The church, where most people still view them as perverse people, and the gay militants who want to shut up anyone who suggests they can, or need, to change.
And so we carry our cross. The cross of sexual desires we know are wrong, but can't get rid of, the cross of loneliness, wishing we had someone to love, and the cross of shame. Life would be easier in some ways, if we laid the cross down, and "embraced our sexuality", yet, we cannot do that, and live a life that is pleasing to God.
Living the Christian life was never supposed to be easy. It may seem that others have a lighter cross, or no cross at all, but none of us know what the other person is going through. There aren't many people in my church or circle of friends who would have any idea what I deal with.
The gay cross? Indeed. And very possibly, one of the most difficult to carry...... but it is worth it. I have peace like I never had in my "gay days". I have the assurance that God loves me and that I am living a life pleasing to Him. I am striving not to be "straight", but holy and like Jesus.
And Jesus asks no less or more of me than anyone else. Whoever we are, whatever our sin or struggle, we must repent of it, deny ourselves, and follow Him.
Is it a stretch to think of homosexuality as a cross? I don't believe so. We as humans are like a river. We tend to take the path of least resistance. Most of my life, I did just that. Oh, I tried occasionally to come back to God when the guilt and misery got to me, but for most of my adult years I didn't carry this cross.
Thankfully, in the last few years I have come to fully believe God does indeed love me and have come to know Him as I never have before. And I finally did what Jesus commanded of all of us: I took up my cross to truly follow Him.
What does it even mean to carry a cross? Obviously it isn't a physical wooden cross like Jesus carried, but Jesus had to mean what He said. Being a Christian isn't supposed to be easy. Oh, it isn't a drudgery, but it isn't going to be hunky dory 24/7 365 days a year having the world loving us if we truly live for God.
So for me, denying myself and taking up a cross means denying what comes so naturally - being attracted to other guys and giving into those attractions and desires - and instead following God and finding my identity in Him, not my sexuality. It isn't easy. I'd like someone to love, I got too used to sexual release, of being with another man getting off sexually. There are still Christians who look at guys like me in disgust. There are others who think I am nuts for denying my sexuality and living a celibate life. The openly gay crowd hates guys like me for even daring to suggest that someone may not want to be gay, that change is possible or necessary, and that homosexuality is indeed a sin and wrong in God's eyes.
It all adds up to a pretty heavy cross to carry.
I don't think heterosexual people get it. For we who deal with the feelings of same-sex attraction, it is just as much a part of us as attraction for an attractive woman is for a heterosexual male. Just as a heterosexual guy often has a battle to fight in his mind when an attractive woman walks by him, so the same battle is fought in the mind of a man who is struggling with homosexual desires and attractions. There is a difference though. The heterosexual male can marry and have a relationship blessed by God. The one dealing with same-sex attraction never can......if he is truly living for God. It doesn't matter what state or elected official says it is OK, it will never be blessed by God, will never not be a sin.
All too many men and boys who are in the church, and are dealing with this issue do so silently. They fear what their family, friends, fellow church goers, would say if they knew. They fear they will be ostracized, put on the same level as a child molester. No one would want to be their friend. So day after day, month after month, year after year, they serve God, all the while, trying to deal with these feelings they have. Feelings they know are wrong, but feelings and desires they never asked for. They sit in the church pew week after week wishing they could tell someone, but afraid to do so.
And they aren't wrong. Many in the church would look down on them, brand them a child molester. After all, these are the same people who say we "choose" to be this way. We "choose" to have these desires. Are they nuts?! If they could feel the way we feel, see what it is like to have a war raging in our hearts and minds - to be tugged in what feels so natural, yet so wrong. I read a quote once by a homosexual person - they asked why would anyone want to feel this way? How true.
Other Christians can call people to pray for them if they are having problems. People will go to the altar, and get up and admit they have problems in this area, or that, and people nod in understanding, and admire them for admitting they are having struggles. I came to a point that I quit going to the altar. Too many preachers would harp on the fact that you should pray out loud, confess to your sins, not "hang over the altar, put your head on your arms and pray silently". There was no way I was going to do that. The church gossips would have a field day! So when I felt I needed to pray, I would wait out the altar call and pray at home, where no one would hear my sins and judge me as a horrible sinner. I figured it was best to keep hiding in the shadows and keep my mask in place.
A lot of people now know. I have men who call themselves my friend, who know, but they never ask me how I am doing. Never ask if there is something they can do to help me. I have had 2 pastors try to help me, and they were a help, but I never knew of them to read up on how to help, yet they admitted they weren't sure how to handle it. Were my problem marriage-related, alcohol, cigarettes, and "normal" sins and issues, they would have no problem talking to me and checking up on me. And I know some churches do better than others, but that isn't the norm.
Then there are the comments. Even Christians can say thoughtless and cruel things. Homosexuality seems to be a fun thing to make comments about. I have had to stand and listen to all kinds of remarks, and act normal. I will never forget the time someone was speaking, and made a statement about homosexuality. A guy who was my friend, someone I had hung out with before he married, leaned up and said "they should just round all of those people up and hang them". I was crushed and hurt, and he had no clue he had just shredded my heart.
More recently, I sat through a Sunday School class where same sex marriage was being discussed. I sat there fighting tears and the desire to walk out, as I heard references to those perverts, that they wouldn't want those kind of people around their kids, that those perverts are no different than rapists and child molesters. As I sat there, I am sure those people had no idea they were causing one of their own so much pain and hurt.
Since I first published this post almost 7 years ago, the subject has come up a few other times in my Sunday School class, and with much better results. There were no negative or hateful comments, but it was discussed in a loving and intelligent way. It may help that the ones who were so hateful the first time do not come back to my class anymore, and there were several people in attendance who know I struggle with SSA.....
I have also finally "outted" myself. I have another blog where like the show Cheers, "everyone knows my name" and who I am...... and I have done several posts now where I admit what I deal with. I don't get too detailed about my past or sexual activities, as people don't need to know all of that.
And those who come out as Christians who struggle with this issue get it from both sides. The church, where most people still view them as perverse people, and the gay militants who want to shut up anyone who suggests they can, or need, to change.
And so we carry our cross. The cross of sexual desires we know are wrong, but can't get rid of, the cross of loneliness, wishing we had someone to love, and the cross of shame. Life would be easier in some ways, if we laid the cross down, and "embraced our sexuality", yet, we cannot do that, and live a life that is pleasing to God.
Living the Christian life was never supposed to be easy. It may seem that others have a lighter cross, or no cross at all, but none of us know what the other person is going through. There aren't many people in my church or circle of friends who would have any idea what I deal with.
The gay cross? Indeed. And very possibly, one of the most difficult to carry...... but it is worth it. I have peace like I never had in my "gay days". I have the assurance that God loves me and that I am living a life pleasing to Him. I am striving not to be "straight", but holy and like Jesus.
And Jesus asks no less or more of me than anyone else. Whoever we are, whatever our sin or struggle, we must repent of it, deny ourselves, and follow Him.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
It's not love
It wasn't that long ago that the idea of a gay Christian was a fringe idea. A few extreme people way out there somewhere believed that. Sadly this ideology and theology has grown. I am in a Facebook group for Christian bloggers and have been amazed and dismayed at how many people in the group feel that way and can get pretty hostile to we who still believe the Bible says homosexuality is a sin and one cannot live that life and be a Christian.
Reasons Christians push a pro-gay theology:
I think you can boil it down to a few reasons for this wrong teaching and theology:
1) Many believe that we are born gay, so thus it is OK. People are also born addicted to drugs, with a predisposition to be alcoholics, and with a host of mental and physical deformities. That doesn't make those things OK or mean God is OK with them
2) So many people have tried to overcome it and have failed. I tried for years to be normal and "straight", only to go back to the porn and sex countless times. Is it easy? No..... but being a Christian isn't supposed to be easy. If being a Christian is easy, we probably aren't doing it right.
Kicking alcoholism, drugs, pedophilia, and other behaviors and addictions is not easy......does that mean the person should give up and just "do it", and that God doesn't expect those people to change and is OK with them doing it and being Christians? Of course not. So what makes homosexuality special that we shouldn't be expected to have a tough time of it? And what does it say about us if we can't handle the struggle and tough times to serve God instead of our desires?
3) It isn't fair that many would go through life with no sex or someone to love. Uh, there are a lot of heterosexual people who go through life single and celibate with no sex or someone to love, for varying reasons... especially women. Since when was sex a necessity for life? We don't need it for survival. God intended it primarily for reproduction, but Satan has so perverted God's plan, and homosexuality is just one of those ways.
4) We must love and affirm gay people, and that means total acceptance and allowance for Christian gays. No, it isn't love to affirm homosexuality and to encourage anyone to be gay and "just do it".
My story
I didn't fully grasp that I was gay until the age of 21. Once I discovered what was going on, I dove into the gay lifestyle as much as I could while keeping it a secret from everyone and letting everyone see the good Christian boy I was pretending to be.
This was the early 90's, and it was more difficult to find guys to hook up; but I did it. Personals, gay bars, adult bookstores - you wouldn't believe how much a cruising place those are for guys to hook up with other guys......guys having sex in the video viewing booths, meeting to go home with each other, etc...... I found places where guys cruised for sex, and managed to get a lot of notches on the bedpost for a while.
Then I got a computer and internet in 2000, and the hookups became easier and more frequent. I discovered gay bath houses where guys wander around in towels and have sex with multiple guys in one visit, gay chat rooms on the internet where guys looked to hook up - sadly these always had a few underage teen boys in them trying to hook up with adult males, and of course there were the multiple hook up sites all over the internet.
I always struggled with my weight, and at times wasn't overweight a lot, but was never my ideal weight. I still managed to hook up with at least 300 guys over the years, most likely more than that. I can't imagine what a young slim guy who is truly "hot" can do nowadays. And many of these young guys get uses over and over by older guys who see them as nothing more than a piece of meat.
The gay sex can get even more extreme and bizarre than heterosexual sex. Once "normal sex" doesn't satisfy, guys try to find other ways to have fun. .
It is not love
The idea of it being love to encourage a young person - or any person - to pursue being gay is insane. Setting aside the whole being a sin part and that it will send people to hell, there are a host of other reasons why homosexuality is a more dangerous lifestyle and that it is not love to encourage it. It makes as much sense to say it is love to encourage people to persist in other sinful and destructive behaviors and life choices such as drugs, alcoholism, adultery, obesity, etc.
Here are some statistics everyone should read, especially pro-gay people:
1) 2% of the population is gay, yet it accounts for 61% of HIV infection. Gay men are much more likely to become HIV#/get AIDS than heterosexuals.
This is a list of things gay people are more prone to get than heterosexuals:
Anal cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C
Syphilis: gay men contracted syphilis at 3 to 4 times the rate of heterosexuals.
HIV/AIDS: A study based upon statistics from 1986 through 1990 estimated that 20-year-old gay men had a 50% chance of becoming HIV positive by age 55. As of June 2001, nearly 64% of men with AIDS were men who have had sex with men.
Death and disease accompany promiscuous and unsanitary sexual activity. 70%25 to 78%x,13 of gays reported having had a sexually transmitted disease. The proportion with intestinal parasites (worms, flukes, amoeba) ranged from 25%18 to 39%19 to 59%.20 As of 1992, 83% of U.S. AIDS in whites had occurred in gays.The Seattle sexual diary study reported that gays had, on a yearly average:
Fellated (oral sex) 108 men and swallowed semen from 48;
Exchanged saliva with 96;
Experienced 68 penile penetrations of the anus; and
Ingested fecal material from 19
Some AIDS/HIV statistics from the CDC:
In 2013, in the United States, gay and bisexual men accounted for 81% (30,689) of the 37,887 estimated HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 years and older and 65% of the 47,352 estimated diagnoses among all persons receiving an HIV diagnosis that year.
In 2013, gay and bisexual men accounted for 55% of the estimated number of persons diagnosed with AIDS among all adults and adolescents in the United States. Of the estimated 14,611 gay and bisexual men diagnosed with AIDS, 40% were blacks/African Americans; 32% were whites; and 23% were Hispanics/Latinos.
By the end of 2011, an estimated 311,087 gay and bisexual men with AIDS had died in the United States since the beginning of the epidemic, representing 47% of all deaths of persons with AIDS.
In 2011, CDC data showed that 80.6% of MSM with diagnosed HIV infection were linked to care, 57.5% were retained in care, 52.9% were prescribed anti-retroviral therapy (ART), and 44.6% had achieved viral suppression.
2) Gay people are about 50% more likely to suffer from depression and substance abuse than the rest of the population.
Multiple studies have identified high rates of psychiatric illness, including depression, drug abuse and suicide attempts, among self-professed gays and lesbians. Gay activists argue that mental illness is induced by other people’s homophobia and intolerance.
But that argument is undermined by an extensive study in the Netherlands — a country of legalized same-sex marriages where GLBTs are widely accepted.The Dutch study, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, found a high rate of psychiatric disease associated with same-sex sex. Gay men were much more likely to experience major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive disorder. Lesbians were more often diagnosed with major depression, social phobia or alcohol dependence. The researchers found “that homosexuality is not only associated with mental health problems during adolescence and early adulthood…but also in later life.”
Depression and drug abuse, in turn, can lead to reckless sexual behavior, even among those who understand the deadly risks, such as older professional gay men.
73% of the psychiatrists in the American Psychiatric Association who responded to a survey, said that they believe that homosexuals are unhappier than other people.
3) Chances of molestation are greater in the gay life. There is a higher rate of molestation by parents among children raised by gay parents. 29% compared to .6%
4) Gay men are much more promiscuous than heterosexuals. 28% of gay men have had more than 1000 partners. 83% of gay men reported that they had had sex with 50 or more men in a lifetime. 43% estimated that had sex with 500 or more partners.
5) There is a lower rate of fidelity among homosexuals. Among married men, 75.5% reported sexual fidelity. 4.5% homosexual males reported fidelity. I can attest to that. In my years in chat rooms and on hookup sites, I ran across a lot of gay couples who were looking for others to join them for sex, and often one or both of them were doing it on the sly without the other one's knowledge.
Another website gives similar numbers:
75% of white gay males (3 of every 4) claimed to have had more than 100 lifetime male sex partners;
15% claimed 100-249 sex partners;
17% claimed 250-499;
15% claimed 500- 999;
28% (that’s more than 1 of every 5 white gay men!) claimed more than 1,000 lifetime male sex partners.
8) There are more dangerous sexual practices among gay people than heterosexuals:
a) Oral-anal contact (aka “rimming”). This is a popular sexual activity among gay men. One man inserts his tongue into the anus of another guy and does the equivalent of french kissing, only on the anus. Diseases are spread very easily through this unsanitary practice..... and it is very common.
b) Anal intercourse:
Beginning in the “gay” culture, anal sex has now been “popularized” among heterosexuals via systematic propaganda of pornography.
But the simple truth is this: The human body was not designed to accommodate anal intercourse.
The rectum is significantly different from the vagina with regard to suitability for penetration by a penis. The vagina has natural lubricants and is composed of a mucus membrane with a multi-layer stratified squamous epithelium that allows it to endure friction without damage and to resist the immunological actions caused by semen and sperm. In contrast, the anus is a delicate mechanism of small muscles that comprise an “exit-only” passage. With repeated trauma, friction and stretching, the sphincter loses its tone and its ability to maintain a tight seal. Consequently, anal intercourse leads to leakage of fecal material that can easily become chronic. Moreover, the intestine has only a single layer of cells separating it from blood. Therefore, any organisms that are introduced into the rectum have a much easier time establishing a foothold for infection than they would in a vagina. The single layer tissue cannot withstand the friction associated with penile penetration, resulting in traumas that expose both participants to blood, organisms in feces, and a mixing of bodily fluids.
Furthermore, ejaculate has components that are immunosuppressive, designed to allow the sperm to evade the immune defenses of the female. The fragility of the anus and rectum, along with the immunosuppressive effect of ejaculate, make anal-genital intercourse a most efficient manner of transmitting HIV and other infections. Below is a list of diseases found with extraordinary frequency among male homosexual practitioners as a result of anal intercourse. Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Lesbians are also at higher risk for these STDs:
c) Human Waste.....there are actually guys who will do the rimming thing on an unwashed anus and will also ingest human excrement. Yeah, nasty..... but there is no end in sight with bizarre and dangerous gay sexual practices........though this one is very uncommon to my knowledge.
d) Fisting. This very common practice, though I have never been around it, is for a man to insert his fist, often up to the elbow or shoulder, into the rectum of another man. Any sane person could see the health risks with such a behavior, but it is all too common.
e) Sadism Sadism is the sexualization of pain and cruelty, named for the 18th Century novelist, the Marquis de Sade. The medical consequences of such activities range from mild to fatal, depending upon the nature of the injuries inflicted. As many as 37% of homosexuals (more than 1 of every 3) have practiced some form of sadism.
Is it really love? No, it isn't.
Sadly, these are all very common dangers in the gay lifestyle. The chances of gay youth and adults engaging in a dangerous sexual activity are much greater than heterosexuals. So is it really love to encourage people to pursue this? Monogamy is rare, and it is found, how many different men and dangerous sexual activities will a guy go through before he finds that...... and if he does find it, anal intercourse is usually a given even then; and that is dangerous for even monogamous couples.
If the pro-gay Christians truly care about gay people and want to love them, they should thoroughly read up on the dangers of a gay lifestyle. They are doing no favors to anyone by encouraging them to pursue being gay. To love like Jesus is to love people no matter what, but to never, ever encourage sin.
And that is just the health and mental dangers. For me, the spiritual implications are even worse and more guaranteed.
Most of the information I got was on these two websites, though there are many resources on and off the internet that give similar information:
Reasons Christians push a pro-gay theology:
I think you can boil it down to a few reasons for this wrong teaching and theology:
1) Many believe that we are born gay, so thus it is OK. People are also born addicted to drugs, with a predisposition to be alcoholics, and with a host of mental and physical deformities. That doesn't make those things OK or mean God is OK with them
2) So many people have tried to overcome it and have failed. I tried for years to be normal and "straight", only to go back to the porn and sex countless times. Is it easy? No..... but being a Christian isn't supposed to be easy. If being a Christian is easy, we probably aren't doing it right.
Kicking alcoholism, drugs, pedophilia, and other behaviors and addictions is not easy......does that mean the person should give up and just "do it", and that God doesn't expect those people to change and is OK with them doing it and being Christians? Of course not. So what makes homosexuality special that we shouldn't be expected to have a tough time of it? And what does it say about us if we can't handle the struggle and tough times to serve God instead of our desires?
3) It isn't fair that many would go through life with no sex or someone to love. Uh, there are a lot of heterosexual people who go through life single and celibate with no sex or someone to love, for varying reasons... especially women. Since when was sex a necessity for life? We don't need it for survival. God intended it primarily for reproduction, but Satan has so perverted God's plan, and homosexuality is just one of those ways.
4) We must love and affirm gay people, and that means total acceptance and allowance for Christian gays. No, it isn't love to affirm homosexuality and to encourage anyone to be gay and "just do it".
My story
I didn't fully grasp that I was gay until the age of 21. Once I discovered what was going on, I dove into the gay lifestyle as much as I could while keeping it a secret from everyone and letting everyone see the good Christian boy I was pretending to be.
This was the early 90's, and it was more difficult to find guys to hook up; but I did it. Personals, gay bars, adult bookstores - you wouldn't believe how much a cruising place those are for guys to hook up with other guys......guys having sex in the video viewing booths, meeting to go home with each other, etc...... I found places where guys cruised for sex, and managed to get a lot of notches on the bedpost for a while.
Then I got a computer and internet in 2000, and the hookups became easier and more frequent. I discovered gay bath houses where guys wander around in towels and have sex with multiple guys in one visit, gay chat rooms on the internet where guys looked to hook up - sadly these always had a few underage teen boys in them trying to hook up with adult males, and of course there were the multiple hook up sites all over the internet.
I always struggled with my weight, and at times wasn't overweight a lot, but was never my ideal weight. I still managed to hook up with at least 300 guys over the years, most likely more than that. I can't imagine what a young slim guy who is truly "hot" can do nowadays. And many of these young guys get uses over and over by older guys who see them as nothing more than a piece of meat.
The gay sex can get even more extreme and bizarre than heterosexual sex. Once "normal sex" doesn't satisfy, guys try to find other ways to have fun. .
It is not love
The idea of it being love to encourage a young person - or any person - to pursue being gay is insane. Setting aside the whole being a sin part and that it will send people to hell, there are a host of other reasons why homosexuality is a more dangerous lifestyle and that it is not love to encourage it. It makes as much sense to say it is love to encourage people to persist in other sinful and destructive behaviors and life choices such as drugs, alcoholism, adultery, obesity, etc.
Here are some statistics everyone should read, especially pro-gay people:
1) 2% of the population is gay, yet it accounts for 61% of HIV infection. Gay men are much more likely to become HIV#/get AIDS than heterosexuals.
This is a list of things gay people are more prone to get than heterosexuals:
Anal cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C
Syphilis: gay men contracted syphilis at 3 to 4 times the rate of heterosexuals.
HIV/AIDS: A study based upon statistics from 1986 through 1990 estimated that 20-year-old gay men had a 50% chance of becoming HIV positive by age 55. As of June 2001, nearly 64% of men with AIDS were men who have had sex with men.
Death and disease accompany promiscuous and unsanitary sexual activity. 70%25 to 78%x,13 of gays reported having had a sexually transmitted disease. The proportion with intestinal parasites (worms, flukes, amoeba) ranged from 25%18 to 39%19 to 59%.20 As of 1992, 83% of U.S. AIDS in whites had occurred in gays.The Seattle sexual diary study reported that gays had, on a yearly average:
Fellated (oral sex) 108 men and swallowed semen from 48;
Exchanged saliva with 96;
Experienced 68 penile penetrations of the anus; and
Ingested fecal material from 19
Some AIDS/HIV statistics from the CDC:
In 2013, in the United States, gay and bisexual men accounted for 81% (30,689) of the 37,887 estimated HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 years and older and 65% of the 47,352 estimated diagnoses among all persons receiving an HIV diagnosis that year.
In 2013, gay and bisexual men accounted for 55% of the estimated number of persons diagnosed with AIDS among all adults and adolescents in the United States. Of the estimated 14,611 gay and bisexual men diagnosed with AIDS, 40% were blacks/African Americans; 32% were whites; and 23% were Hispanics/Latinos.
By the end of 2011, an estimated 311,087 gay and bisexual men with AIDS had died in the United States since the beginning of the epidemic, representing 47% of all deaths of persons with AIDS.
In 2011, CDC data showed that 80.6% of MSM with diagnosed HIV infection were linked to care, 57.5% were retained in care, 52.9% were prescribed anti-retroviral therapy (ART), and 44.6% had achieved viral suppression.
2) Gay people are about 50% more likely to suffer from depression and substance abuse than the rest of the population.
Multiple studies have identified high rates of psychiatric illness, including depression, drug abuse and suicide attempts, among self-professed gays and lesbians. Gay activists argue that mental illness is induced by other people’s homophobia and intolerance.
But that argument is undermined by an extensive study in the Netherlands — a country of legalized same-sex marriages where GLBTs are widely accepted.The Dutch study, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, found a high rate of psychiatric disease associated with same-sex sex. Gay men were much more likely to experience major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive disorder. Lesbians were more often diagnosed with major depression, social phobia or alcohol dependence. The researchers found “that homosexuality is not only associated with mental health problems during adolescence and early adulthood…but also in later life.”
Depression and drug abuse, in turn, can lead to reckless sexual behavior, even among those who understand the deadly risks, such as older professional gay men.
73% of the psychiatrists in the American Psychiatric Association who responded to a survey, said that they believe that homosexuals are unhappier than other people.
3) Chances of molestation are greater in the gay life. There is a higher rate of molestation by parents among children raised by gay parents. 29% compared to .6%
4) Gay men are much more promiscuous than heterosexuals. 28% of gay men have had more than 1000 partners. 83% of gay men reported that they had had sex with 50 or more men in a lifetime. 43% estimated that had sex with 500 or more partners.
5) There is a lower rate of fidelity among homosexuals. Among married men, 75.5% reported sexual fidelity. 4.5% homosexual males reported fidelity. I can attest to that. In my years in chat rooms and on hookup sites, I ran across a lot of gay couples who were looking for others to join them for sex, and often one or both of them were doing it on the sly without the other one's knowledge.
Another website gives similar numbers:
75% of white gay males (3 of every 4) claimed to have had more than 100 lifetime male sex partners;
15% claimed 100-249 sex partners;
17% claimed 250-499;
15% claimed 500- 999;
28% (that’s more than 1 of every 5 white gay men!) claimed more than 1,000 lifetime male sex partners.
8) There are more dangerous sexual practices among gay people than heterosexuals:
a) Oral-anal contact (aka “rimming”). This is a popular sexual activity among gay men. One man inserts his tongue into the anus of another guy and does the equivalent of french kissing, only on the anus. Diseases are spread very easily through this unsanitary practice..... and it is very common.
b) Anal intercourse:
Beginning in the “gay” culture, anal sex has now been “popularized” among heterosexuals via systematic propaganda of pornography.
But the simple truth is this: The human body was not designed to accommodate anal intercourse.
The rectum is significantly different from the vagina with regard to suitability for penetration by a penis. The vagina has natural lubricants and is composed of a mucus membrane with a multi-layer stratified squamous epithelium that allows it to endure friction without damage and to resist the immunological actions caused by semen and sperm. In contrast, the anus is a delicate mechanism of small muscles that comprise an “exit-only” passage. With repeated trauma, friction and stretching, the sphincter loses its tone and its ability to maintain a tight seal. Consequently, anal intercourse leads to leakage of fecal material that can easily become chronic. Moreover, the intestine has only a single layer of cells separating it from blood. Therefore, any organisms that are introduced into the rectum have a much easier time establishing a foothold for infection than they would in a vagina. The single layer tissue cannot withstand the friction associated with penile penetration, resulting in traumas that expose both participants to blood, organisms in feces, and a mixing of bodily fluids.
Furthermore, ejaculate has components that are immunosuppressive, designed to allow the sperm to evade the immune defenses of the female. The fragility of the anus and rectum, along with the immunosuppressive effect of ejaculate, make anal-genital intercourse a most efficient manner of transmitting HIV and other infections. Below is a list of diseases found with extraordinary frequency among male homosexual practitioners as a result of anal intercourse. Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Lesbians are also at higher risk for these STDs:
c) Human Waste.....there are actually guys who will do the rimming thing on an unwashed anus and will also ingest human excrement. Yeah, nasty..... but there is no end in sight with bizarre and dangerous gay sexual practices........though this one is very uncommon to my knowledge.
d) Fisting. This very common practice, though I have never been around it, is for a man to insert his fist, often up to the elbow or shoulder, into the rectum of another man. Any sane person could see the health risks with such a behavior, but it is all too common.
e) Sadism Sadism is the sexualization of pain and cruelty, named for the 18th Century novelist, the Marquis de Sade. The medical consequences of such activities range from mild to fatal, depending upon the nature of the injuries inflicted. As many as 37% of homosexuals (more than 1 of every 3) have practiced some form of sadism.
Is it really love? No, it isn't.
Sadly, these are all very common dangers in the gay lifestyle. The chances of gay youth and adults engaging in a dangerous sexual activity are much greater than heterosexuals. So is it really love to encourage people to pursue this? Monogamy is rare, and it is found, how many different men and dangerous sexual activities will a guy go through before he finds that...... and if he does find it, anal intercourse is usually a given even then; and that is dangerous for even monogamous couples.
If the pro-gay Christians truly care about gay people and want to love them, they should thoroughly read up on the dangers of a gay lifestyle. They are doing no favors to anyone by encouraging them to pursue being gay. To love like Jesus is to love people no matter what, but to never, ever encourage sin.
And that is just the health and mental dangers. For me, the spiritual implications are even worse and more guaranteed.
Most of the information I got was on these two websites, though there are many resources on and off the internet that give similar information:
Thursday, June 16, 2016
A response to pro-gay theology part 2
Part 2 of my response to pro-gay theology and ideology
Read part 1 for an explanation for this post.
Over the years, I have read a lot of books and articles on this subject. I studied the Bible and know every verse that talks about homosexuality, I prayed a lot, have heard the arguments from the pro-gay side, and am 100% convinced that homosexuality is a sin and there is no way you can be a practicing homosexual and be Christian. To push this idea that you can be gay and Christian, you have to ignore or twist a lot of Bible verses. Such as 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
Those 2 verses are followed up by one of my favorite verses, 1 Corinthians 6:11
11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
As such were some of you. Such awesome words that give me hope. But think for a moment... if that verse is true, than not only is homosexuality a sin, but change and repentance is necessary and possible.... as with any other sin,
I have a lot to say, and am not sure how to say it all, so I am going to make a list in no particular order of things I feel need addressed:
But Jesus didn't mention homosexuality.......
1) The "Jesus didn't say anything about it" argument. This is a favorite of pro-gay crowd. It IS true that Jesus didn't mention it in the Gospels... that is recorded..... but the whole Bible is God's Word. Jesus and the Father are one, so Jesus DID address it other placed in the Bible.
He also didn't address incest, bestiality, rape, pedophilia (not by name)....but I don't think many Christians would use the same argument for those.
And any time Jesus talked about marriage, He talked about a man and a woman. Bible scholars agree that homosexuality was most likely not much of an issue in Israel at that time, but it would have been in Rome...hence the verses there about it.
But it is OK if they really love each other and are faithful......
2) The monogamy argument: This us two-fold. The argument is made that the Bible doesn't condemn a loving monogamous relationship between 2 guys....but that distinction is not made in Scripture. It says sex between 2 people of the same gender is not natural and is a sin, and those who practice it will go to hell. Period.
The other point I wanted to make is the myth of gay monogamy. In my years in the gay lifestyle, I ran across a lot of gay couples. They were either looking for a third or more to have sex with, or one or both of them was meeting other guys secretly for sex. There may be a few gay couples who are truly monogamous, but that is about as rare as Hillary Clinton telling the truth.
But it isn't hurting anyone.......
3) The not damaging idea. This isn't necessarily an argument given a lot, but needs to be addressed. Homosexuality is dangerous. AIDS and other STDS are much more common among gay men than heterosexuals. Gay men are much more promiscuous than heterosexuals. I have read of guys who have had over 1000 sexual partners in their lifetime.... and that isn't uncommon.
Anal sex, a very popular sexual activity, is dangerous health-wise. It gives a higher risk for colon cancer, bowel problems, and is also a higher risk for disease. There are websites geared for men wanting to have it "bareback" - no condom.. yet some of the same guys on those sites are on other sites saying they want "safe sex": - condom. There are actually sex parties where guys go where some have HIV and others don't. They have sex with multiple partners, not knowing if the guy is HIV+ or not..... and even worse, there are guys who are "bug chasers" who seek out HIV+ guys to have sex with so they can get it.
HIV+ guys refer to themselves as "POZ" and the stigma and danger of being HIV+ are not just ignored, but almost celebrated.
And it hurts families who know it is wrong and have loved ones selfishly pursue a dangerous and sinful lifestyle as heartbroken family members look on.
4) Homosexuality is brokenness. For a variety of reasons, men have been hurt by missing out on the love of a father, or other issues. We fix brokenness, we don't encourage it and make it worse.
5) Homosexuality is basically worship. The majority of gay men are extremely shallow, self-centered, and focused on looks. That is one reason gay relationships don't last..... it is all about getting a hot guy that will make them feel good, There is rarely any true unselfish love, for it is all based on the wrong things.
6) Homosexuality is just like any other sin in that it needs to be repented of and stopped.......but it is also unlike other sins. There are no other sins that people are marching in pride parades. There are no other sins that are being forced on us to accept and be silent about.
There are even Christians who say we talk about homosexuality too much and there are other sins, etc.... but no other sin is being pushed on us like homosexuality.
7) The church does need to change how it addresses this sin/issue. No one should have to sit in the church pew and fear people knowing they deal with same-sex attractions. No one should fear being ostracized or kicked out of their church for having these attractions and desires....... but the answer is not to affirm and accept the sin. The answer is to say "I love you and will walk this path with you and do all I can to help you" to those wanting to change. And to those not wanting to change, "I believe your lifestyle is wrong and I cannot condone it, but I will love you, be your friend, and accept you as a person".
8) I 100% believe with this push for acceptance and normalizing of homosexuality and the encouragement to young people to experiment, that there are a lot of people going into the gay lifestyle who otherwise would have had a normal heterosexual relationship and marriage.
9) Gay pride: The Bible condemns pride even more than it condemns homosexuality.....how can a Christian be proud of their sexuality, and especially one the Bible says is a sin?
What about the other sexual sins?
10) The other sexual sins in the Bible. In the Old Testament, incest, homosexuality, fornication, and bestiality are all condemned as sinful. In the New Testament, I don't believe incest is specifically mentioned as sinful and bestiality are not... yet we still consider those sinful and unnatural. What is special about homosexuality, which is mentioned and condemned in the New Testament, that we think we can twist and reason around Scripture and say it is OK? Why not defend the other sinful immoral practices?
11) Society and the world cannot be our guide on morality or sin. For years, people believed the Bible condemned homosexuality, but then gay people started working on getting it accepted and finding ways to make people look bad who disagreed with them. Hollywood started pushing it, and slowly it became normalized by society and the world... so many Christians and churches changed their views on it.... but the Bible still says it is wrong and sinful.....why are so many Christians willing to go along with it being OK since the world says it is OK? If that is all that keeps defines right and wrong for us, there is no end in sight for what Christians will accept and defend.
Incest is already on the horizon. There is a slight push to normalize it, and why not? If we can toss out what the Bible says about homosexuality, should incest be any different? If we go with what society says and they get to the point where incest is OK and normal, how many Christians will go along with it? Most likely the same as are going along with homosexuality.
Bigamy is being pushed..... and why not? If a man can marry a man, why can't he marry two women... or twenty women?
There is also a small push on for pedophilia. Some might scoff at the idea of it being legal and accepted here, but once a country starts down the slippery moral slope, there is no end in sight. There are a lot of people who want the age of consent lowered. There are psychologists trying to say it is normal....it will happen. The question is just when, not if.
In my countless hours spent in gay chat rooms. I ran across a lot of boys under the age of 18. No, I never hooked up with them, but I am sure they found guys who would. I have read enough and heard enough to know that a lot of gay guys' first sexual experience was as a minor with an adult male.
12) A lot - not all, but a lot - of gay men were molested as kids by a teen boy or an adult male.....how on earth is that OK and good coming from that?
13) Something seriously wrong , no matter how good the intentions are; is for Christians to affirm and accept homosexuality. The Bible plainly states that people engaging in sex with the same gender will go to hell.....so it is not love to encourage the deceptive thinking that one can be Christian and gay.
Some day, we will all stand before God and be judged, And gay people will not thank those who encouraged them to pursue a life of sin and ignore what God had to say, And the excuse "but people told me I was OK" will not work on that day. Those people who miss Heaven for that reason will curse those who "affirmed" them in their sin.
14) There are many men - and women - who have walked away from the gay lifestyle and lived for God instead of their sexual desires. Is it easy? No. Have there been many who got discouraged and went back to the gay lifestyle? Yes.... but that doesn't make it OK. There are a lot of people saved from drugs and alcoholism who stayed clean, and many who went back to it..... but we don't say it is OK just because they found it difficult to overcome their addictions.
15) God doesn't "make people gay". I saw this statement from a gay affirming Christian that God makes people gay, and that is a good thing. I sort of covered this in my previous blog post, but I do lean towards believing people are not born gay.....but even if they are, did God really make them gay, or is it genetics or something else? Do we say God makes people blind, mentally handicapped, born without limbs, and other deformities? Do we say God makes men adulterers and it is good?
16) To embrace one's same-sex attractions and live for them is to put them above God. A gay person has to do no differently than anyone else wanting to serve God - deny yourself - even your sexual desires, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. If God asks all others to forsake their sin and follow Him, what makes homosexuality exempt? Jesus said this was a narrow way......can you truly be on the narrow way while having sex with someone of the same gender?
I find this push of Christian people to make gay OK offensive. I have been there. I know the chains that held me for years from that sin, and I know the deliverance from it.... and I have seen others who have similar testimonies..... I know beyond the shout of a doubt that it is sin and will lead to death and an eternity in hell...... that is what the Bible says, and that is not anyone's interpretation, but plain black and white.
We don't encourage anyone else to ignore what the Bible says about a sin and just do it......why is this sin special?
It isn't. It isn't an easy thing to deal with, but you don't fix that by saying it is OK and the Bible is wrong.......that doesn't work.
Yes, love gay people..really love them. Don't affirm their delusion and encourage a dangerous and damning lifestyle, but love them and let them know even if you disagree with them, you are their friend and you love them. Jesus never left people in their sin...... He loved them and changed them.
Read part 1 for an explanation for this post.
Over the years, I have read a lot of books and articles on this subject. I studied the Bible and know every verse that talks about homosexuality, I prayed a lot, have heard the arguments from the pro-gay side, and am 100% convinced that homosexuality is a sin and there is no way you can be a practicing homosexual and be Christian. To push this idea that you can be gay and Christian, you have to ignore or twist a lot of Bible verses. Such as 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
Those 2 verses are followed up by one of my favorite verses, 1 Corinthians 6:11
11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
As such were some of you. Such awesome words that give me hope. But think for a moment... if that verse is true, than not only is homosexuality a sin, but change and repentance is necessary and possible.... as with any other sin,
I have a lot to say, and am not sure how to say it all, so I am going to make a list in no particular order of things I feel need addressed:
But Jesus didn't mention homosexuality.......
1) The "Jesus didn't say anything about it" argument. This is a favorite of pro-gay crowd. It IS true that Jesus didn't mention it in the Gospels... that is recorded..... but the whole Bible is God's Word. Jesus and the Father are one, so Jesus DID address it other placed in the Bible.
He also didn't address incest, bestiality, rape, pedophilia (not by name)....but I don't think many Christians would use the same argument for those.
And any time Jesus talked about marriage, He talked about a man and a woman. Bible scholars agree that homosexuality was most likely not much of an issue in Israel at that time, but it would have been in Rome...hence the verses there about it.
But it is OK if they really love each other and are faithful......
2) The monogamy argument: This us two-fold. The argument is made that the Bible doesn't condemn a loving monogamous relationship between 2 guys....but that distinction is not made in Scripture. It says sex between 2 people of the same gender is not natural and is a sin, and those who practice it will go to hell. Period.
The other point I wanted to make is the myth of gay monogamy. In my years in the gay lifestyle, I ran across a lot of gay couples. They were either looking for a third or more to have sex with, or one or both of them was meeting other guys secretly for sex. There may be a few gay couples who are truly monogamous, but that is about as rare as Hillary Clinton telling the truth.
But it isn't hurting anyone.......
3) The not damaging idea. This isn't necessarily an argument given a lot, but needs to be addressed. Homosexuality is dangerous. AIDS and other STDS are much more common among gay men than heterosexuals. Gay men are much more promiscuous than heterosexuals. I have read of guys who have had over 1000 sexual partners in their lifetime.... and that isn't uncommon.
Anal sex, a very popular sexual activity, is dangerous health-wise. It gives a higher risk for colon cancer, bowel problems, and is also a higher risk for disease. There are websites geared for men wanting to have it "bareback" - no condom.. yet some of the same guys on those sites are on other sites saying they want "safe sex": - condom. There are actually sex parties where guys go where some have HIV and others don't. They have sex with multiple partners, not knowing if the guy is HIV+ or not..... and even worse, there are guys who are "bug chasers" who seek out HIV+ guys to have sex with so they can get it.
HIV+ guys refer to themselves as "POZ" and the stigma and danger of being HIV+ are not just ignored, but almost celebrated.
And it hurts families who know it is wrong and have loved ones selfishly pursue a dangerous and sinful lifestyle as heartbroken family members look on.
4) Homosexuality is brokenness. For a variety of reasons, men have been hurt by missing out on the love of a father, or other issues. We fix brokenness, we don't encourage it and make it worse.
5) Homosexuality is basically worship. The majority of gay men are extremely shallow, self-centered, and focused on looks. That is one reason gay relationships don't last..... it is all about getting a hot guy that will make them feel good, There is rarely any true unselfish love, for it is all based on the wrong things.
6) Homosexuality is just like any other sin in that it needs to be repented of and stopped.......but it is also unlike other sins. There are no other sins that people are marching in pride parades. There are no other sins that are being forced on us to accept and be silent about.
There are even Christians who say we talk about homosexuality too much and there are other sins, etc.... but no other sin is being pushed on us like homosexuality.
7) The church does need to change how it addresses this sin/issue. No one should have to sit in the church pew and fear people knowing they deal with same-sex attractions. No one should fear being ostracized or kicked out of their church for having these attractions and desires....... but the answer is not to affirm and accept the sin. The answer is to say "I love you and will walk this path with you and do all I can to help you" to those wanting to change. And to those not wanting to change, "I believe your lifestyle is wrong and I cannot condone it, but I will love you, be your friend, and accept you as a person".
8) I 100% believe with this push for acceptance and normalizing of homosexuality and the encouragement to young people to experiment, that there are a lot of people going into the gay lifestyle who otherwise would have had a normal heterosexual relationship and marriage.
9) Gay pride: The Bible condemns pride even more than it condemns homosexuality.....how can a Christian be proud of their sexuality, and especially one the Bible says is a sin?
What about the other sexual sins?
10) The other sexual sins in the Bible. In the Old Testament, incest, homosexuality, fornication, and bestiality are all condemned as sinful. In the New Testament, I don't believe incest is specifically mentioned as sinful and bestiality are not... yet we still consider those sinful and unnatural. What is special about homosexuality, which is mentioned and condemned in the New Testament, that we think we can twist and reason around Scripture and say it is OK? Why not defend the other sinful immoral practices?
11) Society and the world cannot be our guide on morality or sin. For years, people believed the Bible condemned homosexuality, but then gay people started working on getting it accepted and finding ways to make people look bad who disagreed with them. Hollywood started pushing it, and slowly it became normalized by society and the world... so many Christians and churches changed their views on it.... but the Bible still says it is wrong and sinful.....why are so many Christians willing to go along with it being OK since the world says it is OK? If that is all that keeps defines right and wrong for us, there is no end in sight for what Christians will accept and defend.
Incest is already on the horizon. There is a slight push to normalize it, and why not? If we can toss out what the Bible says about homosexuality, should incest be any different? If we go with what society says and they get to the point where incest is OK and normal, how many Christians will go along with it? Most likely the same as are going along with homosexuality.
Bigamy is being pushed..... and why not? If a man can marry a man, why can't he marry two women... or twenty women?
There is also a small push on for pedophilia. Some might scoff at the idea of it being legal and accepted here, but once a country starts down the slippery moral slope, there is no end in sight. There are a lot of people who want the age of consent lowered. There are psychologists trying to say it is normal....it will happen. The question is just when, not if.
In my countless hours spent in gay chat rooms. I ran across a lot of boys under the age of 18. No, I never hooked up with them, but I am sure they found guys who would. I have read enough and heard enough to know that a lot of gay guys' first sexual experience was as a minor with an adult male.
12) A lot - not all, but a lot - of gay men were molested as kids by a teen boy or an adult male.....how on earth is that OK and good coming from that?
13) Something seriously wrong , no matter how good the intentions are; is for Christians to affirm and accept homosexuality. The Bible plainly states that people engaging in sex with the same gender will go to hell.....so it is not love to encourage the deceptive thinking that one can be Christian and gay.
Some day, we will all stand before God and be judged, And gay people will not thank those who encouraged them to pursue a life of sin and ignore what God had to say, And the excuse "but people told me I was OK" will not work on that day. Those people who miss Heaven for that reason will curse those who "affirmed" them in their sin.
14) There are many men - and women - who have walked away from the gay lifestyle and lived for God instead of their sexual desires. Is it easy? No. Have there been many who got discouraged and went back to the gay lifestyle? Yes.... but that doesn't make it OK. There are a lot of people saved from drugs and alcoholism who stayed clean, and many who went back to it..... but we don't say it is OK just because they found it difficult to overcome their addictions.
15) God doesn't "make people gay". I saw this statement from a gay affirming Christian that God makes people gay, and that is a good thing. I sort of covered this in my previous blog post, but I do lean towards believing people are not born gay.....but even if they are, did God really make them gay, or is it genetics or something else? Do we say God makes people blind, mentally handicapped, born without limbs, and other deformities? Do we say God makes men adulterers and it is good?
16) To embrace one's same-sex attractions and live for them is to put them above God. A gay person has to do no differently than anyone else wanting to serve God - deny yourself - even your sexual desires, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. If God asks all others to forsake their sin and follow Him, what makes homosexuality exempt? Jesus said this was a narrow way......can you truly be on the narrow way while having sex with someone of the same gender?
I find this push of Christian people to make gay OK offensive. I have been there. I know the chains that held me for years from that sin, and I know the deliverance from it.... and I have seen others who have similar testimonies..... I know beyond the shout of a doubt that it is sin and will lead to death and an eternity in hell...... that is what the Bible says, and that is not anyone's interpretation, but plain black and white.
We don't encourage anyone else to ignore what the Bible says about a sin and just do it......why is this sin special?
It isn't. It isn't an easy thing to deal with, but you don't fix that by saying it is OK and the Bible is wrong.......that doesn't work.
Yes, love gay people..really love them. Don't affirm their delusion and encourage a dangerous and damning lifestyle, but love them and let them know even if you disagree with them, you are their friend and you love them. Jesus never left people in their sin...... He loved them and changed them.
Response to pro-gay theology part 1
This post is largely in part a response to the idea being perpetrated by Christians that you can be Christian and gay. There is a Christian blogger group I am in on Facebook and a few people are pushing this idea on there, but I run across it more and more often these days. Even though I "came out" on my regular blog where everyone knows who I am, I am going to bring up some things I don't want my close friends and family to know about me, so I am posting it here on my anonymous blog.
People are not born gay
I do not believe people are born gay, but even if we are that does not make it OK. People are born addicted to drugs because of sin, born with a predisposition to alcoholism, born with a wide range of birth defects.... that doesn't make them OK or normal....so even IF people are born gay, that doesn't negate what the Bible says about it.
I do believe people can be born with a predisposition to being gay, and things in their life can tip them one way or the other. A few biggies in triggering gay feelings are lack of bonding with the father, a overbearing or controlling mother, and a lack of bonding with and/or bullying by one's peers. I will give 2 scenarios:
Scenario 1:
1) Fictional John is born with a predisposition to homosexuality. However, he and his dad have a great relationship. His mom lets him be a boy and doesn't smother mother him. He is accepted by his male peers and gets along great with them. He isn't bullied, and has healthy male relationships. He will most likely be attracted to females and never experience same-sex attractions.
Scenario 2:
2) Then there is me. Two sisters, a father who I never felt loved or accepted me, and I didn't bond with. I remember the night when I was 8 or 9 that my mom came into my room and said my dad felt I was too old for him to hug and kiss. I was devastated. From that time til now, the only time he touched me was to punish me, other than a quick hug at my high school graduation.
I attended a Christian school, but was picked on and bullied by most of the boys in junior high and high school. I had no friends. My male cousins picked on me or ignored me. I hung around with girls because they were safer. I hated and was terrible at sports. No one wanted me on their team, and I hated gym class when I was forced to participate in sports. Boys were a mystery to me and I felt I was opposite of them.
I graduated and went on to Bible college, where I was also picked on a lot for the first couple of years.
And then I realized I was gay. I was a naive and shy kid raised in a home with no TV. I barely knew of homosexuality or what it really was all about. I did a report on it for a class in college and was horrified to discover this was me what I was reading about. It made sense now why I was turned off by the Playboy magazine I had bought once. It made sense why I found boys attractive and why my dating relationships never went anywhere. It made sense why when I saw a trashy romance novel that I focused on the shirtless man and not the woman with cleavage.
I thought I was doomed
I knew what the Bible said about homosexuality, and figured I was doomed. I discovered gay porn the same day I was first approached to have gay sex - the guy saw me buy the gay porn. From then on, I hooked up as often as I could with other guys. This was before the internet, and when one is hiding that lifestyle, it isn't easy to hook up, but I did. Adult bookstores, gay bathhouses, cruising areas where gay guys met to hook up, personals....there were ways. (And I now know that it is the act that is sin, not having the attractions).
And then in 2000, I got the internet and my hook-ups exploded. There were weeks I hooked up with a different guy almost every night of the week. I soon lost track of how many guys I had hooked up with, but a conservative guess would be at least 300......and it is most likely more than that.
I was so careless, it is only God's grace I never got killed or got AIDS. If a guy said he was disease free, I'd do any sexual act with him with no condom.
Doubting God's love
I always doubted God loved me. I would repent and try to serve Him, only to go back to the porn and sex after a few days, weeks, or months. A little over two years ago, through some work on my part and a lot of praying, I finally believed He did....... and it changed everything. The temptations to hook up almost entirely disappeared....I still get a small urge occasionally, but have not hooked up or had a serious temptation to do since then.
Getting hooked up with Hope For Wholeness, a ministry for people with unwanted same-sex attractions also helped. I met and became friends with several others like me who have been a great source of encouragement to me. I am constantly in awe of God's grace and mercy in my life, and have definitely not gotten what I deserve.
People are not born gay
I do not believe people are born gay, but even if we are that does not make it OK. People are born addicted to drugs because of sin, born with a predisposition to alcoholism, born with a wide range of birth defects.... that doesn't make them OK or normal....so even IF people are born gay, that doesn't negate what the Bible says about it.
I do believe people can be born with a predisposition to being gay, and things in their life can tip them one way or the other. A few biggies in triggering gay feelings are lack of bonding with the father, a overbearing or controlling mother, and a lack of bonding with and/or bullying by one's peers. I will give 2 scenarios:
Scenario 1:
1) Fictional John is born with a predisposition to homosexuality. However, he and his dad have a great relationship. His mom lets him be a boy and doesn't smother mother him. He is accepted by his male peers and gets along great with them. He isn't bullied, and has healthy male relationships. He will most likely be attracted to females and never experience same-sex attractions.
Scenario 2:
2) Then there is me. Two sisters, a father who I never felt loved or accepted me, and I didn't bond with. I remember the night when I was 8 or 9 that my mom came into my room and said my dad felt I was too old for him to hug and kiss. I was devastated. From that time til now, the only time he touched me was to punish me, other than a quick hug at my high school graduation.
I attended a Christian school, but was picked on and bullied by most of the boys in junior high and high school. I had no friends. My male cousins picked on me or ignored me. I hung around with girls because they were safer. I hated and was terrible at sports. No one wanted me on their team, and I hated gym class when I was forced to participate in sports. Boys were a mystery to me and I felt I was opposite of them.
I graduated and went on to Bible college, where I was also picked on a lot for the first couple of years.
And then I realized I was gay. I was a naive and shy kid raised in a home with no TV. I barely knew of homosexuality or what it really was all about. I did a report on it for a class in college and was horrified to discover this was me what I was reading about. It made sense now why I was turned off by the Playboy magazine I had bought once. It made sense why I found boys attractive and why my dating relationships never went anywhere. It made sense why when I saw a trashy romance novel that I focused on the shirtless man and not the woman with cleavage.
I thought I was doomed
I knew what the Bible said about homosexuality, and figured I was doomed. I discovered gay porn the same day I was first approached to have gay sex - the guy saw me buy the gay porn. From then on, I hooked up as often as I could with other guys. This was before the internet, and when one is hiding that lifestyle, it isn't easy to hook up, but I did. Adult bookstores, gay bathhouses, cruising areas where gay guys met to hook up, personals....there were ways. (And I now know that it is the act that is sin, not having the attractions).
And then in 2000, I got the internet and my hook-ups exploded. There were weeks I hooked up with a different guy almost every night of the week. I soon lost track of how many guys I had hooked up with, but a conservative guess would be at least 300......and it is most likely more than that.
I was so careless, it is only God's grace I never got killed or got AIDS. If a guy said he was disease free, I'd do any sexual act with him with no condom.
Doubting God's love
I always doubted God loved me. I would repent and try to serve Him, only to go back to the porn and sex after a few days, weeks, or months. A little over two years ago, through some work on my part and a lot of praying, I finally believed He did....... and it changed everything. The temptations to hook up almost entirely disappeared....I still get a small urge occasionally, but have not hooked up or had a serious temptation to do since then.
Getting hooked up with Hope For Wholeness, a ministry for people with unwanted same-sex attractions also helped. I met and became friends with several others like me who have been a great source of encouragement to me. I am constantly in awe of God's grace and mercy in my life, and have definitely not gotten what I deserve.
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