Sunday, May 26, 2013

Love's playlist

    Today was my birthday. I turned 44, and handled it better than the last few birthdays. 40 was rough..... I cried before, during, and after it. Sounds dumb. It just seemed I'd have it together by 40, and I didn't.

   Things haven't been too bad lately........well, I guess they aren't good, I've just been trying to change my outlook on things. I'm not where I need to be with God, nor am I ready to take all the steps I need to take to be there. As my one commenter on here has said, it is going to take some hard effort and serious commitment on my part, and to be honest, I'm not there yet. I am trying to keep a more positive attitude and have done pretty good with not mentally wishing I could kill myself constantly as I had been doing for the last several months.

  I've also been trying to read at least one verse in the Bible. It is often the same verse a few nights in a row, using different versions of the Bible. I'm also praying. They aren't long prayers, and pretty much consist of my asking God to help me believe that He loves me, to find Him for real - to have a real relationship with Him, to help me get my life straightened out, and for help with a job.

  I was taught growing up, and am pretty sure I heard preachers preach it, that the only prayer of a sinner that God hears, is one of repentance. Depending on your theology, I may not be a sinner, though I see myself as one..... regardless, I am definitely not where I need to be with God, and maybe He won't answer some prayers, like for a job, but hopefully He will answer the spiritual related requests.

  I did get a call about a job this week. It is something I am interested in, pays better than any job I've had. I don't know if it is full time, but they are supposed to be doing a background check, then calling me in for an interview, so here is hoping it goes well. My money situation is getting to the point I am getting worried. To add to it, I got a speeding fine, though they did give me two extra weeks to pay it, and I can call in then and extend it more if I need to..... which I am going to need to do.

  Since I struggle so much to believe God loves me, I have been trying to work on that. I've read a few books lately that deal with it. I also made a playlist of all of the songs on my Ipod/Itunes about God's love, hoping it will help to listen to songs focusing on that. We even sang two of my favorite hymns on that subject in church this morning, "And Can It Be" (Amazing love, how can it be...), and "My Savior's Love." Maybe if I listen to those kind of songs enough, it will start to sink in. I came up with over 80 songs for my playlist, and that was just Southern Gospel. I haven't gone through the praise and worship and CCM songs on my Ipod yet...... I have over 6000 songs on there, so it takes a while.

  I don't want to take credit for my more hopeful outlook. Yes, I am making a concentrated effort to be more positive, but I know there are people praying for me, some through this blog, and I appreciate that and do not take it for granted. The prayers are helping.

  One of the songs on my "love playlist" that has been sticking with me is one titled "He Loved Me Anyway". If I could really grasp and believe what it says, I would be making great strides in this area. Maybe I need to listen to it over and over. Lyrics below, and the youtube video below that:

He Loved Me Anyway

Verse 1
She had a moment on a back wooden pew
Of a white church with a cotton field view
It was a tugging she couldn’t explain
She could hear God calling by her name
For a second she wanted something more
But she walked out the door

Chorus 1
As He watched her go, it didn’t change a thing
He just stood there hoping she’d be back some day
When He looked at her, He knew she’d walk away
But He loved her anyway

Verse 2
He woke up in a motel room
By a woman that he barely knew
Opened the drawer of the cheap night stand
Held a Gideon Bible in his hand
In the silence, he wanted something more
But he walked out the door

Chorus 2
As He watched him go, it didn’t change a thing
He just stood there hoping he’d be back some day
When He looked at him, He knew he’d walk away
But He loved him anyway

For so many years, I walked out that same door
But when I finally decided to stay
I realized all those times that He loved me anyway

Chorus 3
As He watched me go, it didn’t change a thing
He just stood there hoping I’d be back some day
When He looked at me, He knew I’d walk away

But He loved me anyway

1 comment:

DJ said...

Hey, Happy late Birthday! :) I'm praying that 44 is the year you become radically changed by Jesus' love and become a passionate lover and follower of Him. Who knows what you might end up accomplishing for Him this year?!! It has the potential of being your best year ever!

Maybe right now you don't have the faith to believe that He loves you or that you can ever really love Him but Romans 10:17 says that "faith comes from hearing the message....." so I think what you are doing is the perfect first step. This was one of the first steps I did too - - in fact, I wrote by that verse in my Bible "encourage my faith by studying the message".

Because of my background, I wrote the words "belief is a choice" and Psalm 52:8 "I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever" and Psalm 36:5 "Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies". I was besieged by the enemy and I would just say that second verse over and over and over, believing that somehow His faithfulness would move it from my head to my heart. It did! I would set at my desk at work, trying to discretely hide my tears and I'd say that over and over in my head. I'd go to the restroom and lay on the floor, cry and quote that over and over. I'd be driving somewhere or walking thru the store and my heart was just so heavy I couldn't breathe but I'd say that over and over. Bottom line: He IS faithful. But even now, if I'm not careful, the doubts can start to flood in.

Every battle starts in the mind. Every. Single. One. You have to FLOOD your mind with the truth! The feelings totally come and go - they are not reliable.
The thing that has surprised me though, and what no one ever told me about having a relationship with Jesus is that, seriously, you can't depend on what your relationship with Him was like two days ago. It is a CONSTANT pressing in close to Him. If you get a chance, google "Francis Chan The Biggest Lie of Your Life". He's so very frank and honest about it, which was comforting to me that it wasn't just me.

He loves you - keep on listening to that music and let it sink in! :) Praying for you!